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Create a UPID from its components to represent a process.

Creates a UPID object from asid, pid, and time started in nanoseconds. UPID stands for unique PID and is a Pixie concept to ensure tracked processes are unique in time and across nodes. Note: Creating this value from scratch might be very difficult, especially given the nanosecond timestamp. It's probably only useful if you find the UPID printed out as it's constituent components. In most situations, you might find that px.uint128 is a better option as we often render UPID as uuid.


asidintThe ID of the node, according to the Pixie metadata service. Stands for Agent short ID.
pidintThe PID of the process on the node.
ts_nsintThe start time of the process in unix time.


px.UPID: The represented UPID.


val = px.make_upid(123, 456, 1598419816000000)

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